Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
الاوضاع السياسية لدولة المماليك الجراكسة ( البرجية ) في عهد الناصر فرج 801 -815 هـ / 1399- 1412م
Subject : Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The Mamluks formed two important countries that occupied an important position in the middle of the Islamic World, and played a role in the region’s events and history as their authority extended to Egypt, the Levant and the Hijaz. The rule of the Mamluk State began in 648 AH / 1249 AD, after the death of Al-Saleh Najmuddin Al-Ayubi and his wife Shajartu-Durr to rule after him, until their state fell at the hands of the Ottomans after the Battle of Al-Raydaniyah in 922 AH / 1517 AD. The Mamluk state was divided into two eras, the first represented in the Naval Mamluk State, then the Circassian Mamluk one. The rule of the Naval Mamluk lasted for 144 years, starting from 648 AH to 784 AH. The second era came when Al-Zahir Barakous assumed power. The rule began with the rule of the Circassian Mamluk State, which lasted approximately one hundred and thirty-nine years since Barquq took over the Sultanate in 784 AH / 1382 AD until its fall in 922 AH / 1517 AD. Some periods of this state witnessed several rulers; some of whom played a major role in its politics, its renaissance, and its expansion. Among these rulers was Sultan Al-Nasir Faraj bin Barquq, who ruled over the first two periods from 801 AH / 1399 AD to 808 AH / 1405 AD and had been isolated for two months, and then returned back to rule until his death in 815 AH / 1412 AD, where his rule ended when Sheikh of Nowruz Al-Hafizi revolutionized in the Levant. During the reign of Faraj bin Barquq, the state witnessed external clashes with the Tatars, led by Timur Link, who arrived in his armies to the Levant and destroyed some cities there, and others with Abyssinia and Franks, and his reign witnessed a number of divisions and differences that emerged during this period. The reign of Al-Nasir Faraj was not without internal revolutions, and besides those revolutions, there were disturbances and mismanagement that prevailed in the administration of Sultan Al-Nasir Faraj to rule, which ended with his death. 
Supervisor : Prof. Omar Yahya Mohammed 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1441 AH
2020 AD
Added Date : Tuesday, July 7, 2020 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
يحيى طالع الجابريAl-Jabri, Yahya TaleaResearcherMaster 


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